The best-known archaeological site in the world can be transformed into a living city. The action was put in place on behalf of Pompeii Superintendency and was able to restore a contemporary vitality to a myth: Pompeii is not a dead city, buried by the incandescent ashes of Vesuvius, but a place of perennial life, frozen in a snapshot for eternity. The choice of recovering the name of the ancient city, Pompeii (not one “i” but two) to distinguish it from the name of the current urban settlement, and to make it eternal (with the claim “Tempus, Vita”) and recognize that it is truly international: in English, Pompeii has always been “Pompeii”.

Thanks to its notoriety, “Pompeii” also became the brand of all the sites (Ercolano, Stabia, Oplonti, Boscoreale) that belong to the Superintendency, so as to achieve a more uniform and recognizable image overall, thus promoting even less well-known sites.

The actions envisaged by Inarea’s Communication Plan for the Superintendency of Pompeii considered all levels of communication.

The new brand takes its cue from the form and colours of the decorations in the “third style” used in the tablinum of the famous Villa dei Misteri.

The new signage helps the three million visitors who flock to the streets of Pompeii every year – non-resident citizens – with a new identification system to facilitate entry and exit of the archaeological site.

Inarea defined new maps, revised existing guides and developed a new web portal.

To place the informative dimension of the identity system front of stage, Inarea coordinated the production of films that inform visitors both about daily life two thousand years ago and Pompeii’s recovery sites.