Gruppo BCC Iccrea is the largest cooperative banking group in Italy, comprising 120 banks located across 1,700 municipalities, for a total of 2,470 branches, and other companies controlled by the parent company.

The aim of the task was to gather the different names and representations of the banks into a single system, respecting individual identities. The new brand began precisely from the very meaning of cooperation, which makes of the BCC a whole, a unique universe that succeeds in giving a voice to shared roots while serving as a precious point of reference for Italian individuals, families and businesses. Trust, nearness, social commitment, solidarity, rapport, ethics, empathy, are longstanding values reiterated by the new brand.

The double C, inspired by Solomon’s knot, and the initials BCC, are the group’s identity heritage and their reputation indicated we should operate seamlessly with simplification and rationalization of sign, colour and font.

An important step forward to embrace the changes underway: the restyling of the logo expresses greater openness, it is lighter, and becomes the core of the BCC identity system. An advantage in terms of visibility because it promotes not only the BCC but also the critical mass of its network, in all points of contact with its public, from forms to communication, websites and retail.