24 November: Inarea was founded on this day in 1980

Do you remember Elliott, the little boy in “ET”? Towards the end of the story, he and the eponymous extraterrestrial are being chased by the police and take flight… on board a bicycle… That moment became the film poster’s iconic image.
The pram depicted above ideally belongs to a baby who was born two years before Spielberg’s masterpiece and who, rather than learn to walk, began embarking on continuous “Pindaric flights”. Certainly ,after forty-one years of such ‘take-offs’, its hair has gone a bit salt-and-pepper, in the same way as these leaves are no longer bright green. But they who fly on the wings of imagination remain children at heart, regardless of their age: time has gone by, but the content hasn’t changed. It’s been a time filled with dreams, because each individual life has its own signature design, and designing is what we do for a living.
We consider it a privilege, one that we wish to continue nurturing, so we’re celebrating our birthday by drawing a beautiful rainbow in the sky, as in the final frames of “ET”: it expresses how grateful we are for your affection, and implicitly (and “terrestrially”) is wishing you all a lovely day…
Many happy returns, Inarea!

Name Day:
St Chrysogonus