One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand

The Italian foundation dedicated to combating male violence against women.

“Una Nessuna Centomila” is the Italian foundation dedicated to the prevention and fight against violence towards women. This mission is carried out not only through funding and support for anti-violence centers and projects but also through fostering cultural change in society, using powerful and immediate forms of expression such as imagery and music.

The visual identity conveys the most important message of this organization: no one should feel alone in the fight against violence towards women. The logo, designed with a custom typography, overlays the three words of the Foundation’s name: a perfect alignment that expands through the varying sizes of each word, symbolizing the collective strength of people coming together.

The logo is accompanied by a vibrant color palette that, through a play of contrasts, creates shapes reminiscent of light cones. These symbolize the act of “shining a spotlight” on an issue that affects the entire community.

The concept of strength in unity extends to the sonic identity as well. A clap of hands without notes, featured in the video, gradually intensifies, evolving into a rhythmic applause that symbolizes collective strength and solidarity. The sonic brand theme, composed in collaboration with Enrico Giaretta, is short, intuitive, and highly impactful in its message of unity and self-empowerment. The clap of hands supports and amplifies the autonomy and empowerment of women emerging from situations of violence, reversing the more conventional and passive narrative surrounding the victim’s condition.